How To Wash Your Tape Hair Extensions?

tape hair extensions

While extremely simple to wash, knowing how to clean the tape hair extensions correctly will prolong the time that they will remain on your head. Hair extensions lengths can be a fantastic solution for adding semi-permanent (we refer to them as semi-permanent because they can be removed and then reapplied) length and volume to your hair. The invisible tape in extensions we offer are secure and cause no damage to your hair if properly applied and maintained. They're a commitment keep to make sure you're ready to keep because they come with specific instructions and golden guidelines to follow to keep them at the root of your hair for the maximum amount of time before you have to get them re-rooted.

If you purchase tape extensions, you should avoid washing your hair within 72 hours after applying them. If you clean your hair too early the adhesive may not be fully set, which can cause premature slippage and wefts possibly falling out.

One of the most important things about knowing how to do it correctly is washing your tape-in hair extensions made of invisible tape. Don't worry, because we've got you covered. We have made our instructions simple to follow and use.

Step 1: Brush Your Hair!

Before you begin the process, you should remove all knots and tangles that have accumulated from the day. This is because, when you're soaking in your shampoo, you're not adding knots over knots, and end up with a bird's nest that's too damaged to repair. This is every woman's nightmare.

Step 2: Hair The Correct Way

When you use shampoo, make sure that you are using alcohol and sulfate-free shampoo. These shampoos will extend the life of your tape in hair extensions. They are also gentler on the adhesive you use to attach the hair extensions' tape. That doesn't mean that you can't use any type of shampoo for Hey Stacey hair extensions, we suggest using alcohol-free and sulfate-free alternatives.

Make sure to shampoo your hair at least twice. Apply a gentle, but thorough rub on your scalp. Only pull it back to the ends if you see the build-up of the product and also during the final rinse of shampoo before the conditioner. If you have hair extensions taped in it can be difficult to slide your fingers between the tapes. We recommend using the palms fingers of both hands to massage the shampoo into your scalp and spread it evenly. But, when your hair gets longer, the extensions will form spaces between the scalp and ends of your extensions. This is the time to gently move your fingers through your hair, and then shampoo your hair this way.

Be careful not to be too rough as you can create knots, slippages, or weft pieces to escape from the product that is absorbed into the adhesive for tape extensions.

Step 3: Time To Condition

Do not ever apply any condition to your scalp when you are wearing Hair extensions taped to your hair. If you do, it can result in the tape sliding or damage the adhesive's stickiness and can cause weft fragments to separate. If you are conditioning your hair, apply it only to the middle-ends of your hair. Allow it to rest on your hair for 5 minutes, to allow the hair the chance to absorb the goodness that conditioners provide. Be sure to wash thoroughly.

Between washes, apply a leave-in conditioner to the ends of your hair to bring shine and moisture to the hair extension.

Step 4: Dry Don't Fry

The process of drying your hair extensions tape is vital. Don't exceed 30 minutes before drying your adhesive for the tape extensions. If you let the tape dry longer than that, it'll weaken and result in slippage or weft fragments falling off. Dry your hair first by drying it with a towel and don't overdo your movements. Simply rub the towel and then scrunch. When you're rough with your movements, then you're inviting knots and tangles to form in your hair as well as extensions.

Start by separating your hair. You can begin by making sure the tape is completely dry on your hair before applying brushes for drying the hair ends. If the tape remains gone and you decide to pull at it with brushes while drying the hair ends it will result in the tape beginning to slide onto your hair. Make sure your tape's dry after which you can dry it off. The golden rule is to use the heat protector... Always. 

We strongly recommend that you make use of the lowest heat setting when the hair is dry, even if you use your cool settings. This indeed adds time to the amount of time drying your hair, but it also increases the longevity of your hair extensions and also prevents them from being fragile and damaged.

After you've dried your hair, top your hair by applying a shine serum or hydrating cream that will add moisture back into the extension hair.

It's quite easy washing your tape off in hair extensions. Take the necessary steps as well as golden guidelines above, and watch the months and years go through before you need to go back to your hairdresser to install hair extensions.

Be aware that tapes on hair extensions are an obligation and come with specific care guidelines. If you follow them with care and accuracy, it will ensure the durability of your hair extensions and will extend the life of the hair that you have in your extensions.



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