Pros & Cons of Tape Hair Extensions

The tape hair extensions brands or attachment method is suitable for all hair types or levels of skill. You might be thinking about whether tape for hair extensions is the right choice for you. Before you decide on tape-in hair extensions there are a few pros and cons to think about:

The price of tape used in tape in extensions may vary based on the manufacturer's hair type the stylist's fee for application and the number of boxes or hair panels however, in general, they can range from $100 to $2,000.


  • Hair extensions made of tape are the most secure method of hair extensions on the market. The hair extensions are light and thin and have greater coverage than other methods such as Strand through Strand. If properly removed and applied, they will not damage hair.
  • Hair extensions made of tape have the fastest time to apply. Volume applications can take between 10 and 30 minutes while length applications last between 40 and 60 minutes.
  • Hair extensions made of tape can be reused. Hair extensions can be used for between 6 and 8 weeks each time and are convenient as it is the time when women visit their salon for a haircut or color treatment.
  • Tape extensions are the most natural and comfortable method of hair extensions that is available.
  • Extensions with tape are among the most simple ways for hairstylists to master There aren't any specific equipment or heat tools needed for the application only combs, and then place.


  • It is not recommended to wash your hair, or even sweat for the first 24 to 48 hours following application as the bond takes time to dry and adhere correctly to hair.
  • It is recommended to apply a shampoo and styling product that is not made of silicone and any oils since they can result in the panels beginning to slide.
  • Certain brands employ tape that can become sticky leaving a sticky residue following the application.


Consideration of your budget as well as considering the advantages and disadvantages of one particular method is an essential first step to determining which hair extension technique is the best option for you. Always have hair extensions done by an authorized cosmetologist approved by the manufacturer for the method you select.


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